Learning Chinese Vocabulary Lists

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This section contains vocabulary lists for each of the spoken units plus a single, cumulative, alphabetical vocabulary list for all the lexical material in the spoken lessons.

Under each unit label, vocabulary lists in both presentational order (order encountered in the lesson) and alphabetical order are provided. Occasional redundancies across the lists for individual units have been retained. Redundancies have been removed from the cumulative list, however.


Unit 1 Vocabulary Unit 5 Vocabulary
Unit 2 Vocabulary Unit 6 Vocabulary
Unit 3 Vocabulary Unit 7 Vocabulary
Unit 4 Vocabulary Cumulative Index



The ampersand sign (&) on the far right of an entry marks second-tier vocabulary words or expressions not core to the lesson. Where relevant, measure words for countable nouns are shown in the column after the characters.

Labels: {col} = colloquial usage; {pol} = polite usage; {Tw} = Taiwan usage; {PRC} = mainland China usage. The slash indicates a shift in word class, e.g., “arrive/to” (verb/preposition). Words in parentheses after a compound indicate the meanings of the parts, e.g., “graduate (complete enterprise).”