Document 36

Letter to NK RKI denouncing Narkomfin employees, July 1929

GARF, f. A-406, op. 25, d. 128, ll. 108-109. Typed copy.

Strictly Confidential

To the People's Commissar of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate

It is utterly incomprehensible why that element so alien and harmful to Soviet authority cannot be purged. Why, I answer, it's because responsible workers themselves cover up this ulcer and by the same token secretly sabotage our Soviet Union and assist the enemy.

Let's take an example: Narkomfin (Narodnyi komissariat finansov [People's Commissariat of Finance])--a known White Guard woman works there, the wife of ex-Staff Captain Svidersky, Aleksandra Prokofievna Sviderskaia--she's now calling herself by her maiden name again, Goncharova--works quietly in a Narkomfin branch office on Nastasinsky Lane. A certain Korolyov got her this job. He works in Narkomfin and occupies a prominent position there and lives with her and got her salary increased for this, claiming she was his wife. This White Guard woman's husband, ex-Staff Captain Citizen Svidersky, Vladimir Yurievich, with the help of MUUR [Moskovskoe Upravlenie Ugolovnogo Rozyska (Moscow Criminal Investigation Administration)]. Agent Nikolai Andralov got to be director of a Mossel'prom.[Moskovskoe upravlenie sel'skoi promyslovoi kooperatsii (Moscow Rural Cooperative Administration)] beer joint. In just a short period of time under that Denikinite director of Mossel'prom there were losses, and for that Narsud (Narodnyi sud [People's Court]) of Khamovniki Raion sentenced him to two years in prison and disenfranchised him. And then, to save her own skin, his wife Aleksandra Prokofievna Sviderskaia quickly got some sort of divorce and took back her maiden name Goncharova and continues to work in Narkomfin and saboteurize Soviet authority. These two White Guardists, husband and wife, named Svidersky, helped Denikin, then fled to Bulgaria and returned to the RSFSR in 1924, and thanks to MUUR Agent Citizen Nikolai Andralov received asylum and a safe refuge. This same Nikolai Andralov is a known bribe-taker and shady character, poses as a representative of the OGPU and engages in suspicious business. Citizen Goncharova-Sviderskaia, Aleksandra Prokofievna, Narkomfin employee, says that the time will soon come when we hang all the Communists and my husband will be a commander once again.

We know that they will purge many proletarians, and the wreckers themselves will stay because they know how to find a loophole, and in this way saboteurize and organize secret agitation against Sov-authority.

Andralov, Nikolai, the MUUR Agent, has shady people coming to his apartment and settles their affairs. Korolyov, in Narkomfin, without squeamishness lives with the Staff Captain's wife and hides her. Well, no one can do anything. It's time to get busy and expose the ulcer, to purge from the Soviet system all the rot and body-buyers, saboteurs, and bribe-takers, NK RKI (Narodnyi Komissariat Raboche-Krest'ianskoi Inspektsii [The People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspection) should work secretly on this and expose the hiding place.

We request that Narkomfin purge all this scum and MUUR throw out bribe-takers and tramps.
