Document 139

Letter of denunciation from Young Pioneers and Komsomol members to director of forestry department, September 1936

TsKhDMO, f. 1, op. 23, d. 1188, l. 102. Typewritten copy.

To the director of the forestry department.

We have information from the Zubchaninovsky Village Soviet that citizen Aleksandr Aleksandrovich D'iakonov is a kulak, a very harmful parasite for our construction. Your duty is to do a purge of your institution, we the young generation are growing, but these kulaks are still hampering our studies and training with their proclamations. I, Misha Gorbunov, Zina Strelkova and many other Young Pioneers and Komsomol members of ours saw him pasting up proclamations that "war is coming soon, we'll strangle the Bolsheviks, we'll hang Stalin, and we'll shoot down Krupskaia and her lovers," "Celebrate Easter--it is bestowed by God" and other absurdities. I wanted to rip them down, he noticed that we were watching him, and he quickly tore them up. He clipped one of us on the back of the head and yanked another one's ears, claiming that we had supposedly done it. This is a clever kulak, but we found out where he works and decided to write you that he should be taken out of there and fired. We keep track of everybody, that is our duty to Soviet authority.

The Young Pioneers and Komsomol members of Soviet School No. 35 of the city of Kuibyshev

As soon as we ripped away this proclamation, he quickly tore it up, that is how hard it is to fight a kulak, he is more clever and resourceful than us, and he turned around and accused us. Well that's all right, we won't leave our post, but party members, come to our aid.