Resolution of the ECCI Secretariat on the Bela Kun question.


Top secret.


Conclusions of the Commission on com[rade] BELA KUN.[i]

Having examined all the available materials in the case of com. BELA KUN’s campaign against the new leadership of the CP of Hungary, [against] the Comintern line and [against] the ECCI’s leadership, and having carefully examined the explanations of com. KUN, the commission found that this campaign is a continuation of com. BELA KUN’s destructive work in the Communist Party of Hungary and among the Hungarian émigrés in the USSR.

Having conducted an unscrupulous, factionalist policy for a number of years, com. BELA KUN selected cadres exclusively on the basis of his group’s interests, [and] discredited and removed from party work all those who did not want to reconcile themselves to his factionalist methods of the leadership. As a result of this factionalist policy, com. KUN overlooked the saturation of the party by provocative elements, [a process] that destroyed the best party activists and undermined the faith of the masses in the party. An ambiguous speech by BELA KUN at the party meeting at the time of Magyar’s expulsion from the party was another example of the dulling of [his] Bolshevik vigilance.

After the [7th Comintern] Congress, [and] in defiance of a special directive from the ECCI’s Secretariat, com. BELA KUN, along with certain other members of the CC CPH (Gross and others), actually sabotaged the implementation of the line of the VII Congress in the Communist Party of Hungary by persistently pursuing his sectarian aims and by inculcating into the CC of the Communist Party of Hungary hostility toward the line and the new Comintern’s leadership.

To [sustain] the disorganizing work against the new ECCI’s leadership, com. BELA KUN also employed absolutely inadmissible methods so as to discredit the leading workers of the ECCI by spreading slanders about them.

Having established the destructive work of com. BELA KUN against the leadership of the C.P.H. and the leadership of the ECCI, the commission considers completely impossible any [further] participation by com. BELA KUN in the work of the CP of Hungary as well as using him as a worker in the ECCI apparatus.

G. Dimitrov.

RGASPI, f. 495, op. 18, d. 1112, l. 46.

Original in Russian with the title written in German. Typewritten.




[i] The title of the document is written in German: Schlußfolgerungen der eingesetzten Kommission betr. Gen. BELA KUN.