Encoded telegram from the ECCI Secretariat to Julius in Paris.



17 January 1937

To Julius -- Paris


During the upcoming trial of Radek-Pyatakov, "L'Humanité"[i] and "Daily Worker" (New York) are to be considered as the main mouthpieces of our campaign. Give all-round support to these newspapers. In addition, you are given the special charge to distribute to  the left bourgeois and Socialist presses extracts from and the major points of our reports.



Ercoli 17. 1. 37


RGASPI, f. 495, op. 184, d. 23. Outgoing telegrams for 1937.

Original in German. Handwritten.



* Handwritten in Russian by Palmiro Togliatti (Trans.).

[i]  L’Humanité -- French daily newspaper founded in 1904. After 1910, it was the newspaper bof the Socialist Party; after December 1920, the newspaper of the Socialists-Internationalists. From 8 February 1923, it was the official newspaper of the French CP.