A list of VKP members "formerly in other parties, having Trotskyist and Rightist tendencies," sent by F. Kotelnikov to the NKVD.


3 cop[ies]

4.   IX. 36.


To  the file /Sent to the NKVD leadership/[i]


of VKP(b) members, formerly in other parties, having Trotskyist and Rightist tendencies, as well as having received party reprimands. (The material comes from the new [party] registration forms)[ii].


Arrest[ed] 1.    ALEKSA-ANGARETIS, Zigmont Ivanovich

1)   Belonged to the SDP of Lithuania from June 1906. After October 1906, belonged to the left wing of the SDP of Lithuania.

2)   In 1918, he opposed the com[munist] party on the question of Brest peace and was close to the “Left” communists.

Arrest[ed] 2. ALBERT, Maurice Genrikhovich[iii]

1)   [Received a] reprimand for an anti-Communist outburst during the 1930 [discussion] by the party collegium of the Khamovnichesk[y] RK[iv] about how to raise labor discipline.

Arrest[ed] 3. BRUN, Stefania Stanislav[ovna][v]

1)   Belonged to the S. D. Party of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania between 1904 and 1910 in Warsaw. [She] left the party because of poor health.

2)   [She] belonged to the for[mer] minority [group] in the Com[munist] Party of Poland which now, under the c. Lenski leadership, is heading the CP of Poland.

Arrest[ed] 4. BORTNOWSKI, Bronislaw Bronislawovich

-- In 1918, [he] had doubts regarding the question of signing the Brest peace treaty, however, [he] promptly overcame [them] and did not belong to the opposition.

Ar[rested] 5. ALASS, Eduard Mikhailovich[vi]

-- Belonged to the party of Independent Socialists of Estonia between March and May 1921.

Ar[rested] 6. BRANN, Lotte[vii]

1)   Belonged to the Zionist Union of Youth from 1920 to 1925 in Berlin.

2)   Reprimanded for a lack of party vigilance and passivity in party life by the Frunzensky RK in Moscow on 27/III-36.

Ar[rested] 7. BALOD, Karl K.[viii]

-- Voted for a resolution of a Trotskyist character. In 1923, [he belonged to] the ECCI [party] cell [which passed the resolution].

Arrest[ed] 8. BADULESKY, Anna Markovna[ix]

-- Between 1915 and 1921, [she] belonged to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] party of Romania in Bucharest, Romania.

Arrest[ed]  9. VOLK, Yakov Ilyich[x]

-- Belonged to the Russian Socialist Workers’ Party, Internationalists, between November 1917 and April 1919. Samara.

Arrest[ed] 10. WALECKI,  M. G.

1)   Belonged to the Polish Socialist Party  between 1895 and 1905, belonged to the [PPS] Lewica party between 1905 and 1918.

2)   In 1923, he was among the leadership of the Polish Communist Party. Took a position of actual support of the German Brandlerians and the Trotskyist opposition in the VKP(b), for which he was criticized, among others, by a resolution of the Polish Commission of the V Comintern Congress in 1924.

Arrest[ed] 11. WHEELDON, W. M.[xi]

-- Belonged to the Socialist Workers Party of England between June 1919 and July 1920. Derby, England.

Work[s] in anoth[er] org[anization] 12. WENDT-STOIANOV, F. V.[xii]

-- Belonged to the German S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party between 1904 and 1914. Hamburg, Germany.

Works in another org[anization] 13. GORDEEV, Grigory Vasilievich[xiii]

-- Harsh reprimand from the P[arty] C[ontrol] C[ommission] of the CC VKP(b) in 1933 for bad bookkeeping.

Ar[rested] 14. GERISH, Grigory Moiseevich.

1)   Belonged to the Socialist Party of the USA between 1915 and 1919. Philadelphia, USA.

2)   In 1923, [he] voted for a resolution of a Trotskyist character in the ECCI [party] cell.

Works [in the] ICC  15. GENINA, Lucia Khristianovna[xiv]

-- Joined the VKP(b) in June 1919 in the party group of the 5th Latvian Infant[ry] Regiment. During the purge of 1921, she was demoted to candidate [party member] for political illiteracy by the purge commission of the Khamovnich[esky] district. Moscow.

?  16. GINDINGER R. Ya.[xv]

Belonged to the German S[ocial] D[emocratic] party, in the Manheim [party] organization between 1908 and 1912.

Wor[king]  17. BLAGOEVA, S. D.[xvi]

-- Belonged to the Bulgarian Tesniak S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party between 1915 and 1919.

Ar[rested] 18.  GOLKE-Rozenfeld.

-- Belonged to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Germany between 1914 and 1916. Berlin and Danzig.

Belonged to the Independent Socialist Party of Germany between 1916 and 1918. Berlin.

Died  19.  GOLUBEV V. N.[xvii]

-- Was admitted to the RKP(b) in 1920 by the part[y] commission of the 53rd Inf[antry] Division.  In 1922, his membership was automatically discontinued after his party card was stolen and his personal file lost.

Ar[rested] 20. GROSMAN A. I.

-- Belonged to the Polish Socialist Party (Lewica) between 1910 and 1918.

Works [in] <…> 21. EVSEENKO A. A.[xviii]

-- Harsh reprimand in June 1936 from the Kievsky D[istrict] C[ommittee] of the VKP(b) for forging financial documents. Moscow.

Wor[king]  22. ZHEMAITIS, A. S.[xix]

-- Between 1912 and 1919, he belonged to the Lithuanian Federation of the Socialist Party of America in Pittsburgh and Cleveland, USA.

Ar[rested]  23. ISKROV, P. Kh.

-- Cooperated with the Left-sectarian  group in the CC CP of Bulgaria in 1930-1934.

 ? 24. ITKINA, A. M.

1)   [She] belonged to the inter-district organization of the S[ocial] D[emocrats] (Internationalist) from August 1916 to July 1917. Petrograd.

2)   In 1923, at the Marxist school section, she abstained from voting for the resolution condemning Trotskyism.

Ar[rested]  25. KATZ, Aron[xx]

-- Belonged to the S[ocialist] Party of America between 1904 and 1919.

Ar[rested]  26. KRAJEWSKY, A. P.

-- Between 1929 and 1930, he was in the Right[ist] group of the Polish Communist Party.

Wor[king]  27. KOZHARIN Ya. Ya.[xxi]

-- In December 1919, he was admitted to the party by the party organization of the Murmansk city Soviet RK and KD.[xxii] In December 1920, his membership was discontinued after the loss of [his] party documents during their transfer from Murmansk to Sevastopol.

Ar[rested]  28. KREPS M. E.

  -- Voted for a resolution of a Trotskyist character adopted by the Comintern’s Executive Committee [party] cell in 1923.

Ar[rested]  29. KRYMOV A. G.[xxiii]

-- Following the decision of the Chinese Com[munist] Party, in 1925 he became a member of the Kuomintang in Shanghai.

Ar[rested]  30. KOKER M. Yu.

-- In 1923, she voted for a resolution of a Trotskyist character in the ECCI apparatus’ party organization.

Wor[king]  31. KUUSINEN O. V. –

-- Between December 1904 and August 1918, he belonged to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Finland.

Ar[rested]  32. BELA KUN M.

1)   Between 1903 and 1916, he belonged to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Hungary.

2)   A Left Communist between January and May 1918, he did not understand Lenin’s Brest tactics and, being a Hungarian, he wanted the revolution to be brought to Hungary “on bayonets.”

Ar[rested]  33. KAROLSKY A. P.

-- From 1912 to 1916, belonged to the Polish Social Democratic Party “Lewica.”

? 34. LITVAKOV I. I.[xxiv]

-- Belonged to the party of Zionists Socialists between 1903 and 1906 in Russia. Between 1906 and 1911, in the Socialist Wor[kers] Party of the USA in Philadelphia and New York. Belonged to the Industrial Workers of the World in 1911-1917.

35. LIND Leo[xxv]

-- Belonged to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Finland from 1913 to 1917. Belonged to the Socialist Workers Party of Finland from September 1920 to January 1922.

? 36. LEKHEN T. I.[xxvi]

1)   Belonged to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Finland between 1908 and August 1918. Bisenkosky township, city of Boerenburgh and city of Helsingfors.

2)   In 1923, he voted for a resolution of a Trotskyist character in the Military Academy’s par[ty] organiz[ation]. In 1929, he voted in the ECCI’s party organization against the resolution of the Rightists due to his disagreement with a point in the resolution which referred to the Rightists in the CP of Germany.

Wor[king]  37. LOBA I. P.[xxvii]

-- In 1921, the C[entral] C[ontrol] C[ommission] reprimanded him for lack of discipline.

38.       MUTSELAN L. Yu.

-- In 1924, the purge commission expelled her from the party for passivity. She was readmitted in 1924 by the M[oscow] C[ommittee] of the VKP(b).

Ar[rested]  39. MERTENS E. F.[xxviii]

-- Between 1923 and 1925, she was active in the Ruth Fischer-Maslow fraction. In June 1925, even before the ECCI’s open letter that exposed Ruth Fischer was published, she took a correct party position. In 1929, she was one of the leaders of the anti-party students’ group in the Int[ernational] Leninist School.

Abr[oad]  40. MILLER K. E.[xxix]

-- Between 1925 and 1929, he belonged to the Lovestone group in America.

Ar[rested]  41. MIRONOV S. N.[xxx]

-- On the decision of the Frunzensky district [party] committee in Moscow, he was expelled from the VKP(b) ranks for immoral behavior. The P[arty] C[ontrol] C[ommittee] of the CC VKP(B) readmitted him to the VKP(b) on 26 May 1936.

Wor[king]  42. MOCHILIN I. E.[xxxi]

-- He was expelled for six months by the purge commission in September 1933 for forging an advance financial report for 89 rub[les]. The expulsion was approved by the C[entral] C[ontrol] C[ommission]. He was readmitted [to the party] in November 1934 by the CCC VKP(b).

Wor[king] 43. MOREINS F. F.[xxxii]

-- Belonged to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Belgium between 1916 and 1919.

Wor[king]  44. MONAKHOV F. I.[xxxiii]

1)   Belonged to the SR party in March-May 1917. Petrograd.

2)   In 1923, he voted for a resolution of a Trotskyist character at the general party meeting in the ECCI [party] cell.

Ar[rested]  45. MILTER Philipp[xxxiv]

-- In 1923, he voted for a the resolution of a Trotskyist character at the meeting of the ECCI [party] cell.

Wor[king]  46. MIROV-ROZKIN Ya. Ts.

-- Belonged to the Jewish Communist ? Party (Poalei Zion) between May 1918 and December 1919.

Ar[rested]  47. MINGULIN I. G.[xxxv]

-- He was a Left SR between 1917 and April 1919 in Rostov-on-Don and Kherson, with intermissions between April 1918 and February 1919. A Left SR (borbist) from May 1919 to July 1920 in Kherson and Nikolaev.

48.       NEIBUT M. A.

49)[xxxvi] In 1923, she voted for a resolution of a Trotskyist character in the ECCI [party] cell.

50) In 1927, before the XV VKP(b) Congress, at the time of expulsion of Trotsky and Zinoviev from the VKP(b), she voted, at the ECCI party cell meeting, against their expulsion and against reserving this question for the judgment of the coming XV Part[y] Congress.

51)       On 13 July 1936, the Kievsky D[istrict] C[ommittee] of the VKP(b) in Moscow gave her a harsh reprimand for concealing, at the time of purge in the VKP(b) in 1933 and during the [1936] exchange of party documents, her participation in the Trotskyist opposition, which was reflected in her voting for resolutions of a Trotskyist character in 1923 and 1927.

52.       NOVIKOV P. N.[xxxvii]

-- Received a harsh reprimand from the Kievsky district party committee in Moscow on 29. VI. 1936 for a non-communist attitude toward his wife.

Ar[rested]  50. OJANEN V. G.[xxxviii]

-- Belonged to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Finland from March 1915 to May 1918.

Ar[rested]  51. ORSKI S. A.[xxxix]

-- Belonged to the PPS (Lewica) in 1917 and in 1918.

52.       OZOL Ya. Ya.[xl]

-- Belonged to the American Socialist Party from 1913 to 1917.

Wor[king]  53. PANKRATOV I. K.[xli]

-- Voted for a resolution of a Trotskyist character in the ECCI’s [party] cell in 1923.

Wor[king]  54. PROGER L. D.[xlii]

-- She was admitted to the VKP(b) in March 1919 by the Moscow City District Committee. In November 1921, the purge commission in Tashkent demoted her to a candidate party member for her [lack of] communist education.

Ar[rested]  55. PETERMANN Erna F.[xliii]

-- As a member of the CP of Germany, she had vacillations: she did not understand the meaning of the Right deviation and the necessity of the struggle on two fronts. Leipzig, 1929.

Ar[rested]  56.PESTKOWSKI S. S.

-- In January-June 1918, he supported the group of “Left” Bolsheviks in Leningrad and Moscow on the question of the Brest peace treaty. His participation [in the group] was never formalized but was reflected in his speeches at some meetings.

He participated in the “Democratic Centralism” group in Moscow between April 1920 and January 1923. His participation was formalized; he took part in several discussion meetings of the center and also spoke at some meetings. [He] did not sign documents.

Ab[road]  57. ROASIO A. D.[xliv]

-- Between 1924 and 1925, he took part in the Bordigist group in the Italian Communist Party. He did not conduct fact[ional] work.

Wor[king] 58. REINSTEIN B. I.[xlv]

-- Belonged to the youth circles of the narodovoltsy[xlvi] between 1884 and 1886 in Rostov-on-Don and Ekaterinograd. From 1887 to 1892, belonged to the Zurich “circle of young narodovoltsy” in Zurich, Bern, Paris. Belonged to the American Socialist Party between 1893 and 1917 in Buffalo, USA. In August-September 1917, belonged to the Menshevik-internationalists faction in Petrograd.

Ar[rested]  59. REDIKO A. G.[xlvii]

1)   Between 1917 and 1921, she belonged to the Bundist youth organization “Zukumft.” Belonged to the Jewish social-chauvinist organization “Bund” from 1921 to 1922 in Warsaw.

2)   She was a supporter of the former minority in the Polish Communist Party headed by c. Lenski.

Wor[king]  60. ROGOZHNIKOV P. G.[xlviii]

-- Belonged to the “Left” Socialist Revolutionaries from June 1916 to May 1918 in Zlatoust, Ufa gubernia.F

Ar[rested]  61. SUVOROV S. G.[xlix]

1)   Belonged to the Astrakhan group of Anarchists-Communists in Astrakhan between 1909 and 1912.

2)   In 1923, he voted for a resolution of Trotskyist character in the ECCI [party] cell.

In 1929, he supported the right opportunist positions about the pace of development of industrialization in the country, spoke at party meetings and in the evening [courses at] Sverdlovsk University.

Ar[rested]  62. SEREGIN V. N.[l]

-- In 1923, he voted for a resolution of a Trotskyist character in the ECCI [party] cell. In 1929, he committed right opportunist mistakes when he defended Bukharin’s “Notes of an Economist” in the ECCI [party] cell.

<…> 63. SOLOVIEVA R. A.

-- During the verification of Soviet [party] cells in 1924, she was expelled as ballast from the party by the ver[ification] com[mittee] for her political illiteracy and separation from party life. She was readmitted to the party by the Party Collegium of the M[oscow] C[ontrol] C[ommission] in October 1924, with a recommendation to take an active part in party work.

Wor[king]  64. SORKIN G.[li]

-- Belonged to the Jewish youth organization Ziera-Zion from September 1916 to December 1917 in Bobruisk, Minsk gubernia.

Ar[rested]  65. STERN M. S.[lii]

-- Belonged to the VKP(b) from May 1918 to June 1918. Verneudinsky uezd. Expelled from the party automatically.

66.       SOLODOVNIKOV G. I.[liii]

67)[liv] In 1927-1928, he participated in a factionalist group in the Communist University for the National Minorities of the West in Minsk, regarding the national question in the Yugoslavian Com[munist] Party.

68) In July 1936, the party collegium of the party control commission gave him a harsh reprimand for an irresponsible attitude toward assigned work.

69.       SAMUILOVICH K.[lv]

-- Belonged to the Bund from May 1917 to September 1917, in Glukhov.

68.       VOLLMER R.[lvi]

-- Belonged to the Internation[al] Socialist Party of Switzerland from 1904 to 1912, and to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Switzerland from 1912 to 1920.

69.       FAINBERG E. R.[lvii]

70)[lviii] From 1906 to 1920, she belonged to the British Socialist Party in London.

71) Voted for a resolution of a Trotskyist character in the ECCI [party] cell in [19]23.

72.       KHAIKIN S. N.[lix]

-- In June 1934, reprimanded by the Party Commission of the 2nd Infantry Brigade in Khabarovsk for negligence toward the protection of party documents.

Ar[rested] 71. KHEIMOV M. A.[lx]

-- Belonged to the Social Democ[ratic] Workers Party of Finland from Sep[tember] 1917 to Sep[tember] 1918, in the city of Helsingfors.

Ar[rested] 72. ZENK L. P.[lxi]

-- Belonged to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Germany from June 1918 to February 1919, Hamburg, Germany.

Ar[rested]  73. TSOI-SHENU V. A.[lxii]

-- Between Sep[tember] 1923 and Feb[ruary] 1925, he was a participant in the factional struggle within the Korean Com[munist] Party and supported the so-called “Kor[ean] Bureau,”  which was condemned by the Comintern.

Ar[rested]  74. CHERNOMORDIK M.

-- In 1923, when he belonged to the Bureau of the Irkutsk guberniia [party] committee, he voted for delaying until the receipt of the CC VKP(b) directives a discussion of the address by the Petrograd committee which exposed Trotsky.

75.       CHERNIAK D. R. [lxiii]

-- Belonged to the Bund party from 1898 to 1907; in the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Switzerland, from 1907 to 1912; in the S[ocial] D[emocratic] (Independent) Party of Germany, from 1914 to 1920.

Ar[rested] 76. CHERNIN I. I.[lxiv]

1)   In 1928-1929, he supported the factional activities of the Rightists in the ECCI party organization.

2)   In 1929, he was reprimanded by the purge commission for a lack of firmness in 1928-1929 and for supporting the Rightists’ factional activities.

3.   CHEREPANOV P. N.[lxv]

-- In 1933, he was reprimanded by the regional party commission of the Moscow military district for losing his party card.

Ar[rested] 78. SHOK G. A.[lxvi]

1)   He was a VKP(b) member in the Neviansk party organization in the Urals between 1917 and 1918. His membership was automatically discontinued because of his departure for Hungary.

2)   Between 1913 and 1915, he belonged to the Hungarian S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party in Pozhoni, Hungary; between 1919 and 1920, a member of the Hungarian S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party in Bratislava, Hungary.

3)   On 21/VII 1936, he received a harsh reprimand from the Bureau of the Kievsky district party committee for insincerity during the party verification.

Ar[rested] 79. STORM A. K.

-- In 1923, he voted for a Trotskyist resolution at the party meeting of the Com[munis]t Univers[ity] of the Nat[ional] Minorities of the West [party] cell in Moscow.

Ar[rested] 80. STANGE A. A.[lxvii]

-- In 1930, the purge commission gave him a harsh reprimand for economic activities in the countryside -- he did not demonstrate adequate initiative in kolkhoz construction.

Ar[rested]  81. STEIN M. K.

1)   Belonged to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Finland from 1917 to 1920.

2)   In Feb[ruary] 1935, the ICC reprimanded him for lack of party vigilance towards the anti-party activities of the German conciliator Heinrich [directed] against the German Communist Party leadership.

Ar[rested]  82. SHUBIN P. A. (Vilensky)

-- Belonged to the RSDRP (Mensheviks) from 1905 to 1917 in Kiev, Gomel and Moscow. (The column [in his file] about membership in oppositions is not filled out.)

Wor[king]  83. SCHUKIN S. E.[lxviii]

-- Belonged to the RSDRP (Mensheviks) from 1914 to 1916 in the Ufa [party] organization.

84.       EKLUND A. A.[lxix]

-- Belonged to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Finland from Sep[tember] 1917 to April 1918.

85.       EISENBERGER I. I.[lxx]

86)[lxxi] Belonged to the S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Germany from 1912 to June 1919, and to the Independent S[ocial] D[emocratic] Party of Germany from August 1919 to May 1920.

87) In 1923, he was one of the five German Rightists in Moscow, was a personal friend of Brandler and opposed his expulsion from the CC CPG. He did not understand the connection between the political and organizational lines of the party in 1926, vacillated on the question of alienation of privately owned houses believing that parliamentary success, “popular voting,”  would grow into the decisive struggle for power.

Wor[king] 86. YASHENKO F. E.

-- She was expelled by the M[oscow] C[ontrol] C[ommission] of the VKP(b) in 1926. On 11/VI 1927, the C[entral] C[ontrol] C[ommission] considered her automatically expelled. [She was] readmitted [to the party] by the party troika of the CCC VKP(b), protocol No. 390 of 26/VI-31, her membership to be considered without interruption.

Ar[rested]  87. YANSON A. K.[lxxii]

--Belonged to the Socialist Party of the USA (Left wing), from which the Communist Party was organized, between December 1906 and August 1919.

RGASPI, f. 546, op. 1, d. 376, ll. 30-36.

Original in Russian. Typewritten.



[i] Handwritten by F. Kotelnikov in black ink. Other handwritten notes in the margins are made with red pencil. (Trans.)

[ii]New party registration forms refers to the files compiled during the 1936 verification and exchange of party documents (obmen partdokumentov).

[iii] Maurice Albert (1900-1938). A member of the VKP from 1928. After 1922, he worked in the Translations Department of the ECCI. Fired on 28 July 1937. He was arrested on 5 October 1937 and sentenced to be shot on 20 June 1938.

[iv] RK – Raionnyi Komitet or Raikom, district party committee (Trans.).

[v] Stefania Brunowa (maiden name – Unszlicht) (1888-1947). A member of the SDPKPiL in 1904-1910; after 1920, a member of the CPP and of the VKP. After 1929, she worked in the ECCI apparatus. On 16 June 1937, she was fired; on 22 June 1937, she was expelled from the party for her “total loss of vigilance toward enemies of the party and the people.” In September 1938, she was arrested and later convicted. In 1945, Brunowa was released from prison and left for Poland.

[vi] Eduard Mikhailovich Alass. Born in 1894, a member of the RKP(b) from 1921. He worked in the Estonian section of the ECCI apparatus. After his arrest, he was expelled from the VKP on 28 November 1937 as an “enemy of the party and the people.”

[vii] Lotte Brann. Born in 1908, a member of the CPG from 1928. She worked in the ECCI apparatus between April 1931 and 15 October 1936 as a Secretary of the Scandinavian Lendersecretariat and later in the Translation Department. On 20 October 1936, she was expelled from the party. On 27 June 1937, she was arrested. In 1956, she left for the GDR.

[viii] Karl Karlovich Balod (1893-1938). A member of the Bolshevik party from March 1917. He worked in the Communications Department of the ECCI between 19 November 1920 and 7 October 1937. Upon his arrest, he was expelled from the VKP as an “enemy of the party and the people.” On 15 February 1938, he was sentenced to be shot.

[ix] Anna Badulesku (1894-1940). A member of the CP of Rumania (CPR) from 1921, a member of the VKP from 1924. Between December 1927 and 1 November 1927, she worked as the senior archivist in the ECCI apparatus. On 19 September 1937, she was expelled from the party, and on 4 December 1937, sentenced to five years in prison. She died on 24 March 1940.

[x] Yakov Ilyich Volkov (1896-1937). A member of the RSDRP (Internationalists) from November 1917, belonged to the RKP(b) from 1919. Between 26 August 1929 and 28 August 1937, he worked in the ECCI apparatus, first, as an analyst and after 1 January 1935, as Deputy Head of the Japanese sector of the Eastern Secretariat. After his arrest, he was expelled from the party as an “enemy of the party and the people.” On 3 November 1937, he was sentenced to be executed.

[xi] William Wheeldon (1892-1937). A member of the CPGB from 1920, belonged to the VKP from 1927. He worked as translator in the ECCI apparatus between 21 December 1929 and 14 June 1937. On 5 October 1937, he was arrested . On 25 December 1937, the Military Board of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced him to be shot.

[xii] Fritz Wendt (alias – Stoianov). Born in 1886, a member of the RKP(b) from 1919; worked in the Translations Department between 16 November 1929 and 10 December 1938.

[xiii] Grigory Vasilievich Gordeev. Born in 1893, a member of the VKP from 1925. Worked in the Administration of Affairs Department of the ECCI between December 1923 and January 1934, and from 2 February 1935 to 13 December 1937.

[xiv] Lucia Khristoforovna Genina (1898-1976). A member of the RKP(b) from August 1919, she worked in the ECCI apparatus in 1921-1929 and in 1931-1943. In September 1936, she worked as a technical secretary in Manuilsky’s Secretariat. In 1937, she was arrested.  On 8 December, she was expelled from the party as an “enemy of the party and the people.” On 9 April 1938, she was released and readmitted to the party. In 1938-1943, she worked in Dimitrov’s Secretariat.

[xv] Reimondt Gindinger. Born in 1883 in Austria, a member of the RKP(b) from 1920, and a Soviet citizen from 1934. He worked in the ECCI apparatus between 1 March 1921 and 1 April 1938 as an interior decorator. Expelled from the VKP on 21 July 1938.

[xvi] Stella Blagoeva (1887-1954). A member of the Bulgarian Social Democratic Party from 1919, candidate member of the CC CPBul in 1948-1950, member of the CC CPBul in 1926 and in 1950-1954; member of the VKP from 1926. She worked as an analyst in the ECCI apparatus in Moscow in 1927-1929 and 1931-1943. In 1946, she left for Bulgaria.

[xvii] Vasily Nikitich Golubev (1900-1938). A member of the Bolshevik party in 1920-1922 and after 1926. He worked in the Communications Department of the ECCI from 2 February 1928 to 1 December 1937.

[xviii] Andrei Akimovich Evseenko (1905-1945). A member of the VKP from 1929.

[xix] Andrei Semenovich Zhemaitis. Born in 1889, a member of the CP USA between 1919 and 1923; a member of the VKP from 1928. He worked as a janitor in the ECCI apparatus between 1932 and 1937.

[xx] Aron Moiseevich Katz. Born in 1881, a member of the CP USA from 1919; member of the VKP from 1930. He worked in the Communications Department of the ECCI from 1934 to September 1936. On 20 October 1936, he was expelled from the VKP for “not being worthy of the party’s trust.”

[xxi] Yakov Yakovlevich Kozharin. Born in 1892, a member of the RKP(b) in 1919-1920 and after 1925. On 13 August 1936, he was expelled from the party “for negligent attitude toward keeping his party documents and for losing a new party card when drunk.” He worked as a repairman in the garage of the Administration of Affairs Department in the ECCI between 1 August 1934 and 5 June 1939.

[xxii] Probably, a typographical error.  He may be referring to Sovet Rabochikh, Krestianskikh i Soldatskikh Deputatov – Soviet of Workers’, Peasants’ and Soldiers’ Deputies (Trans.).

[xxiii] Afanasy Gavrilovich Krymov (real name – Go Shaotan) (1905-1989) A member of the CPC from 1925, belonged to the Kuomintang party after 1925, belonged to the VKP from 1928. Between 1929 and 1932, he worked in the delegation of the CC CPC in the ECCI. After May 1934, he was a deputy sector Head of the Eastern Secretariat. Between 1935 and 1937, he was an analyst on China in Dimitrov’s Secretariat, and later in the Cadres Department. On 20 March 1938, he was arrested. On 27 April 1939, he was sentenced by the Military Board of the Supreme Court of the USSR to 15 years in prison and disfranchisement for five years. After serving his term, he lived in exile in Norilsk. After 1955, he conducted research in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

[xxiv] Isay Ilyich Litvakov. Born in 1884, a member of the CP USA from 1919, and of the VKP after 1931. He worked as a courier in the Communications Department between December 1933 and 1 January 1938. In December 1937, he was expelled from the VKP, but later readmitted to the party. In 1938, he left for the USA.

[xxv] Leo Lind (real name – Veine Lattunen) (1892-1938). A member of the CPFin from 1920. In 1934-1937, he was an analyst in the Finnish section of the Polish-PriBaltic Secretariat, and later in the Secretariat of M. Moskvin in the ECCI. He was arrested on 26 February 1938. On 26 May 1938, the Special Council of the NKVD of the USSR sentenced him to ten years in prison.

[xxvi] Turre Lekhen. Born in 1893, a member of the CP of Finland from 1918. In 1918, he was a Secretary of the Council of the People’s Representatives, the government of the Finnish Workers’ Republic. Between 1919 and 1943, he worked in the ECCI apparatus. In 1946, he returned to Finland.

[xxvii] Ivan Petrovich Loba (real name – Lobachev). Born in 1898, a member of the Bolshevik party from February 1917, he worked as an analyst in the Cadres Department of the ECCI from 1 February 1936 to 1 December 1937.

[xxviii] Erna Mertens (real name – Margarete Wilde) (1904-1943). A member of the CPG from 1921, and of the VKP from 1928. She worked in the ECCI apparatus in 1922-1923 and in 1935-1937. Later worked as an analyst in the Cadres Department where, among other duties, she helped to compile the September 1936 list about "bad elements among the German aktiv in Moscow" and the January 1937 list on alleged Gestapo agents and anti-Soviet elements (see the dicussion above).  On 4 August 1937, she was expelled from the party. In October 1937, she was arrested and repressed.

[xxix] Clarence Miller. Born in 1905, a member of the CP USA from 1922. In 1930-1931, he worked in the EC KIM Secretariat in Moscow. Between 1934 and 1937, he was an editor of the American edition of the journal Communist International. Between 1937 and 1938, he worked in the Publishing House of Foreign Workers in the USSR. In 1938, he left for the USA.

[xxx] Sergei Nikolaevich Mironov (1896-1938). A member of the CP of Yugoslavia (CPYu) from 1919; after 1922, a member of the RKP(b). Between 3 March 1935 and 31 December 1935, he worked as an assistant to the representative of the CPYu in the ECCI. In 1936-1937, he worked in the Publishing House of Foreign Workers in the USSR. On 23 August 1937, he was arrested. On 11 January 1938, the Military Board of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced him to be shot.

[xxxi] Ivan Yegorovich Mochilin. Born in 1888, a member of the VKP from 1924. He worked as the head of the warehouse in the Administration of Affairs Department of the ECCI until 3 March 1938.

[xxxii]Franz Morriens.  For his biography, see chapter 2.  Morriens left the USSR for Belgium in 1936.

[xxxiii] Fyodor Ivanovich Monakhov. Born in 1888, a member of the RKP(b) from 1919. In 1937, he was removed from his work in the ECCI apparatus.

[xxxiv] Filipp Ivanovich Milter. Born in 1897, a member of the RKP(b) from 1918; worked in the OMS between 1 March 1921 and 10 October 1937. In 1938, he was arrested and repressed.

[xxxv] Ivan Georgievich Mingulin. Born in 1900, a member of the RKP(b) from 1920. Between 1 June 1927 and 1 August 1937, he worked in the ECCI apparatus as an analyst in the Propaganda Department; later as a deputy head of the Anglo-American Lendersecretariat; after 1 December 1935, as a political assistant to André Marti. After his arrest, he was expelled from the VKP on 16 August 1937 as an “enemy of the party and the people.” Repressed.

[xxxvi] Numbers 48 through 51 appear as in the original, i.e. without names; the information relates to Neibut.

[xxxvii] Pyotr Nikolaevich Novikov – no other information is available.

[xxxviii] Villehard Ojanen (1893-1938). A member of the Social Democratic Party of Finland in 1915-1918, belonged to the CPFin after 1918, belonged to the RKP(b) after 1919. Between 15 November 1930 and 1937, worked in the ECCI apparatus: until 1932, as a deputy head of the Cooperative Department; between 1932 and 1933, in the Anglo-American Lendersecretariat; in 1933-1934, as an analyst in the Finnish Section of the ECCI; in 1934-1935, as an analyst in the Polish-PriBaltic Lendersecretariat, between 1935 and 1936, as the representative of the Finnish Section of the ECCI in Leningrad. On 8 February 1938, he was arrested.  On  31 May 1938, the NVKD USSR sentenced him to be executed.

[xxxix] Stanislaw Orski (real name – Henryk Rozzenkranc) (1892-1937). A member of the CPP from 1918, and of the VKP from 1932. In 1932-1937, he worked in the OMS. On 13 February 1937, he was expelled from the party and, in April 1937, arrested. On the decision of the NKVD and the Office of the Procurator of the USSR on 7 September 1937, he was sentenced to be shot.

[xl] Yan Yanovich Ozol. Born in 1887, a member of the Bolshevik party from 1905. After May 1931, he worked in the ECCI apparatus.

[xli] Ivan Kirillovich Pankratov. Born in 1896, a member of the RKP(b) from 1920. He was a technical worker in the OMS in 1921-1937. He died during World War II.

[xlii] Liubov Davydovna Proger. Born in 1896, a member of the RKP(b) from 1919. In 1929-1930, 1932 and in 1934-1938, she worked in the ECCI apparatus: first, as a cipher clerk, and after 16 March 1937, as an analyst in the Cadres Department.

[xliii] Erna Petermann. Born in 1904, she was a member of the CPG from 1927, belonged to the VKP between 1931 and 11 November 1937. Between 4 October 1930 and 21 November 1937, she worked in the ECCI apparatus: first, as a typist, later as a secretary in the bureau of the ECCI secretariat. She was arrested in March 1938. On the decision of the Special Council of the NKVD USSR of 23 December 1940, she was sentenced to five years in prison. In 1955, she left for the German Democratic Republic.

[xliv] Antonio Roasio (1902-1986). A member of the CPI from 1921. In 1934-1936 and in 1938, he worked in the Cadres Department of the ECCI. From fall 1938, he was the head of the Cadres Department of the foreign center of the CPI in Paris and a member of  the CC of the CPI.

[xlv] Boris Isaevich Reinstein (1866-1947). A member of the RKP(b) from 1918. After 1923, he worked in the ECCI apparatus. Between 1924 and 1938, he was head of the Comintern archive.

[xlvi] Narodovoltsy – members or followers of the “Narodnaia volia” organization of radical populists in the late 19th century Russia. (Trans.)

[xlvii] Anna Grigorievna Rediko (real name – Rozenstein). Born in 1903, she was a member of the RKP(b) from 1922. She worked in the ICC apparatus. On 4 September 1937, she was expelled from the party and later repressed.

[xlviii] Pyotr Grigorievich Rogozhnikov. Born in 1898, a member of the RKP(b) from 1919. In 1936-1937, he was head of the Financial sector in the ECCI’s Administration of Affairs Department.

[xlix] Semyon Grigorievich Suvorov. Born in 1891, a member of the Bolshevik party from 1917. In 1920-1937, he was a technical worker in the OMS. On 15 August 1937, he was fired; expelled from the party on 9 October 1937 and later repressed.

[l] Vasily Nikolaevich Seregin. Born in 1896, a member of the Bolshevik party from April 1917. In 1923-1937, he was the head of a group of the ECCI’s OMS. Upon his arrest,, he was expelled from the party on 15 July 1937 as an “enemy of the party and the people” and later repressed.

[li] Grigory Zakharovich Sorkin (1899-1987). A member of the RKP(b) from 1918. He worked in the ECCI apparatus between 1936 and 1943 as an analyst and  as deputy head of the ECCI’s Communications Department.

[lii] Manfred Stern (1896-1944(5)).  A soldier in the Austro-Hungarian army during WW I, he stayed in Russia as a prisoner of war, joined the Bolshevik party in 1920. From spring 1935, he worked as  deputy head of a sector in the Eastern Secretariat of the ECCI. Between 1936 and 1938, he participated in the civil war in Spain as “General Klebert.” After 1937, he worked as an analyst in the Secretariat of Otto Kuusinen. After his arrest, he was expelled from the party on 16 August 1938 as an “enemy of the party and the people.” Stern was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment and died in the camp.

[liii] Grigory Ivanovich Solodovnikov (real name – Tomo Pezer). Born in 1896, a member of the CPYu from 1919, belonged to the VKP from 1926, belonged to the Spanish CP (CPSp) between 1938 and 1939. Between 1931 and February 1936, he worked in the ECCI’s OMS. From October 1936 to February 1939, he fought with the International Brigades in Spain and was interned in France.

[liv] Numbers 67 and 68 appear as in the original, i.e. without names; the information relates to Solodovnikov.

[lv] Klara Abramovna Samuilovich. Born in 1899, a member of the RKP(b) from 1919. Between 1936 and 1943, she worked in the ECCI apparatus as an analyst, then as a senior analyst of the Cadres Department, editor of the Kommunistichesky Internatsional magazine, editor of the Press Department’s telegraph agency.

[lvi] Rudolf Vollmer. Born in 1882, a member of the CP of Switzerland (CPSwit). Between 1933 and 1937, he worked in the ECCI's OMS.

[lvii] Etta Rubinovna Fainberg (maiden name – Lipshits) (1885-1955). A member of the RKP(b) from 1921, she worked in the ECCI apparatus from 1 April 1921 to 20 June 1938. Her last job was assistant editor in the Department of Propaganda and Mass Organizations. In 1938, she was expelled from the VKP for “not deserving political trust.” She was later readmitted to the party.

[lviii] Numbers 70 and 71 appear as they did in the original, i.e. without names; the information relates to Fainberg.

[lix] Solomon Naumovich Khaikin. Born in 1911, a member of the VKP from 1931. In 1933-1943, he was an editor in the Publishing Department of the ECCI. Between 1951 and 1954, he was under arrest and investigation. Rehabilitated on 29 June 1955.

[lx] Mauno Kheimo.  Born in 1894, a member of the CPFin and of the RKP(b) from 1918. From 1919 to 1937, he worked in the ECCI apparatus as a Secretary of the ECCI’s Scandinavian Bureau, head of the Bureau of the ECCI’s Secretariat, deputy head of the Organizational Department, instructor, assistant to M. Moskvin, assistant to the Head of the Sector for the Instruction of Cadres. On 16 August 1937, he was expelled from the party. In late 1937, he was arrested and later repressed.

[lxi] Liesel Zenk. Born in 1897, a member of the CPG from 1920, and of the VKP from 1930. Between 1929 and 1937, she worked in the ECCI apparatus as a typist in the Cooperative Department, later as deputy head of the Sector for Publications in the Department of the Agitation and Propaganda of the ECCI. On 9 July 1937, she was expelled from the VKP and later readmitted to the party. In February 1947, she left permanently for Germany.

[lxii] Vasily Alekseevich Tsoi Sheu. Born in 1898, a member of the Korean Socialist organization “Irsedan” (The World Party) between 1919 and 1920; a member of the RKP(b) from 1920. Between 1 January 1935 and 15 August 1937, he worked as an assistant to a sector chief in the Eastern Lendersecretariat of the ECCI. He was expelled from the VKP on 1 August 1937.

[lxiii] Debora Ruvimovna Tschernijak. Born in 1882, a member of the CPG from 1921. Between 1925 and 1927, she worked in the ECCI apparatus as a technical secretary in the Publications Department; in 1929-1932, as an archivist and later deputy head of the archive; in 1936-1937, as an assistant to an analyst in the Cadres Department. On 10 September 1937, she was expelled from the party; she was fired from job on 16 September 1937. Later she was readmitted to the party.

[lxiv] Ilya Isaakovich Chernin (1893-1937). A member of the RSDRP(b) from 1917. He worked in the ECCI apparatus between 7 September 1926 and 14 June 1937 as an analyst and then deputy head of the Department of Press and Propaganda. On 9 May 1937, he was expelled from the VKP for “insincerity before the party and as politically unreliable.” On 14 June 1937, he was arrested. On 9 December, he was sentenced to be shot.

[lxv] Pavel Nikolaevich Cherepanov – no other information is available.

[lxvi] Gustaw Shok (real name – Boretsky). Born in 1897, a member of the CP of Czechoslovakia (CPCz) from 1921, and of the VKP from 1928. Between 1930 and 1937, he worked in the ECCI apparatus. On 22 June 1937, he was expelled from the VKP; in July 1937, he was arrested and later repressed.

[lxvii] Adolf Stange. Born in 1890  in Austria, a member of the RKP(b) from 1919. From 1 June 1919 to 8 August 1937, he was a supplies agent for the ECCI's OMS. Repressed.

[lxviii] Stepan Efimovich Schukin. Born in 1892, a member of the Bolshevik party from 1917, expelled in 1921, readmitted in 1923, expelled again in October 1936 and readmitted 14 February 1938. Between 16 July 1930 and 4 April 1937, he worked in the ECCI apparatus as a deputy head of the Latin American Lendersecretariat, Editor-in-chief of the Kommunistichesky Internatsional magazine, an analyst in the Kuusinen’s Secretariat, a political assistant to Dimitrov, and in the Department of  Press and Propaganda.

[lxix] Aksel Eklund (1888-1938). A VKP member from 1928. He worked in the ECCI’s OMS in 1921-1922 and in 1924-1934. He retired in 1934.

[lxx] Josef Eisenberg (1891-1938). A member of the CPG from 1920, and from that year, he was considered a VKP member. He worked in the ECCI apparatus in 1923-1925 and in 1926-1937 as a translator and editor in the Translations Department. On 26 April 1937, he was arrested; on 7 May, he was expelled from the VKP as an “enemy of the party and the people.” On 22 August 1937, he was sentenced to five years in prison and died on 4 February 1938.

[lxxi] Numbers 86 and 87 appear as they do in the original; the information relates to Eisenberger.

[lxxii] Anna Karlovna Yanson. Born in 1886, a member of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania from 1904, belonged to the CP USA. She worked as a cipher clerk in the ECCI's OMS between 3 January 1934 and 1 October 1937. On 19 February 1938, she was expelled from the VKP as an “enemy of the party and the people” and later repressed.